Why can’t I pay at an online shop?
To pay with PaysafeCard, select it as a payment method at one of our supported online shops, enter your 16-digit prepaid code or log in to PaysafeCard and click the Pay button.
Below are some of the most common errors you might encounter, along with actions you can take to resolve them. Note that the errors are only an example and may not display the same wording that you see in your account or on the merchant website.
- Technical issues: Wait a few minutes and retry the payment. Try clearing your browser’s history, cache and cookies or use a different browser or device.
- Network connectivity issues: Please deactivate any IP masking software or VPN and check your network connection.
- 16-digit code errors: Your payment might be declined due to insufficient balance on your 16-digit code or due to using an expired or already consumed code. You can find more information about the most common errors in the related articles bellow.
- Incorrect 16-digit code: Some 16-digit codes can only be used with specific webshops (offline merchants, merchants from a specific country) – please check the terms and conditions when purchasing 16-digit codes to be sure about their usage.
- Payment limits reached: To check what the maximum amount for your country is, click here.
- PaysafeCard area limits reached: To view them, you can click here.
- Data mismatch: Please make sure your personal details match the ones registered on the merchant website and on PaysafeCard.
- Online shop and PaysafeCard registration mismatch: Please use the profiles (PaysafeCard and the online shop) with which you have previously completed successful transactions.
While many merchants have enabled PaysafeCard as a payment option on their website, they might not operate in certain countries. Contact the merchant directly to find out if they accept payments from your country of residence.
Make sure to also check the related articles below for more detailed information on top ups, additional verification, troubleshooting and updating personal information.