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What are my payment limits?

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What are my limits?

At PaysafeCard we aim at providing you with flawless customer experience with as little limitations as possible. However, to comply with different regulatory requirements your PaysafeCard account, PaysafeCard prepaid code and their related products may have certain limits.

Where can I see my PaysafeCard code and my PaysafeCard acocunt limits?

Find your fees and limits on the dedicated page

How can I increase my limits?

There are several types of limits:

  • Top-up and spending limits per month, year or lifetime: this is the cumulative amount you’ve spent or topped up in your account within the said period. 
  • Maximum transaction limit: the maximum amount you can spend in a single transaction.
  • Balance limit: the maximum amount you can have in your PaysafeCard account balance. If you reach this limit, you need to spend the balance to a web shop.

What to do if I have reached my limits?

You can allow some time for the rolling limit to be reset or spend your balance.

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