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Is PaysafeCard Mastercard® also available for people under the age of 18?

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This article addresses the PaysafeCard Mastercard® product. Information about the Account & Card Debit Mastercard® can be found here.

The PaysafeCard Mastercard® can be ordered even if you’re under 18 years of age. If you are 16 or 17 years old and have the consent of your parent or legal guardian, you can apply for a PaysafeCard Mastercard® Youth.

How to order a PaysafeCard Mastercard® Youth card?

  1. Navigate to the PaysafeCard Mastercard® section of your account and select a card design.
  2. Check if your name and address details are full and correct, and if needed, update them by pressing “Change Details”.
  3. Click on “Send order”.
  4. If you haven’t verified your identity yet, you will be asked to scan your ID.
  5. Download the Parental consent form and have it signed by your parent or legal guardian.
  6. Upload the signed parental declaration form together with a photocopy of your parent’s/guardian's ID (front and back).

Once your documents have been verified, you will be notified by e-mail and can activate your Mastercard® Youth card once it is received.

How different is the Youth card compared to the regular PaysafeCard Mastercard®?

  • Payments at merchants that are not suitable for minors, such as adult content, online casinos, gambling, etc. are prohibited.
  • Lower spending and top-up limits. You will be able to review those limits upon ordering your PaysafeCard Mastercard® Youth card, or simply by navigating to Account > Limits and Status.

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