20 years' experience with eCash methods of payment
Paysafe’s eCash products make it possible to make cash-based payments online – easily, conveniently and securely – completely without a bank account or credit card.
20 years' experience
With the rapid growth of the internet, the field of online shopping became steadily more important in the late 1990s. However, suitable payment methods were unavailable, which became an obstacle for financial inclusion and for the development of e-commerce. This was tackled by the founders of PaysafeCard: they developed a solution for "cash on the internet" and became pioneers of online payment. Today, PaysafeCard, as one of the market leaders worldwide for eCash methods of payment on the internet, is active in 60 countries across the world and part of the leading specialised payment platform Paysafe.
Organisational structure
paysafecard.com Wertkarten GmbH operates in 60 countries with its headquarters in Vienna and branches in Dublin and London. There are also subsidiaries in Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Switzerland, Turkey and the USA.

The Prepaid Services Company Limited with its headquarters in London (a subsidiary of PaysafeCard) has had an e-money licence since 2008 from the British Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and a Mastercard® licence since 2009 to issue Mastercard® products. In addition, Paysafe Prepaid Services Limited, a sub-subsidiary of PaysafeCard with its headquarters in Dublin, has had an e-money licence since 2019 from the Central Bank of Ireland (CBI). Using these licences, electronic money and prepaid Mastercard® products can be issued in the European Union and in particular also in the UK.
paysafecard.com Schweiz GmbH is a further subsidiary of PaysafeCard and a member of the self-regulatory organisation SRO Treuhand | Suisse. As a Swiss financial intermediary, it has been authorised since 2008 to issue and sell the products PaysafeCard, PaysafeCard account, PaysafeCash and YUNA2GO in Switzerland and for the sale of these products in all those countries where there are no licence provisions. This includes Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Kuwait, Mexico, Moldova, Paraguay, Peru, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Uruguay.
Paysafecard thereby complies with substantial requirements and guidelines, which is also regularly checked.
PaysafeCard has been given numerous awards over the years:
Year | Awards |
2009 | Paybefore Awards "Best Prepaid Company Outside USA" |
2009 | Prepaid Awards "Leading Prepaid Organisation 2009" |
2010 | Paybefore Awards "Best Network Branded Gift Program" |
2011 | IAB – Web AD Bronze Award "Beste Werbe Strategie" |
2012 | Paybefore Awards Europe "Most Innovative Prepaid Solution" |
2012 | Paybefore Awards "Best Digital Currency" |
2012 | 2012 Paiements Innovants "Trophée Publi News 2012" |
2013 | Paybefore Awards "Best virtual or digital Program" |
2013 | Paybefore Awards Europe "Best Consumer Value" |
2013 | Prepaid Awards France "Meilleur programme numérique dematerialize" |
2014 | The New Economy 2013 Innovation 40 |
2014 | Austrian Leading Companies: 3rd Place Big Player in Vienna |
2014 | Paybefore Awards "Top Digital Dollars" |
2014 | Paybefore Awards Europe "Consumer Champion" |
2014 | Banking IT-Innovation |
2015 | Paybefore Awards Europe "Consumer Value" |
2015 | EGR B2B Awards "Mobile Payments Solution" |
2015 | Paybefore Awards "Consumer Value" |
2015 | Finalist Best of Mobile Awards "Finance" |
2015 | Austrian Leading Companies: 1st Place Big Player in Vienna |
2016 | Austrian Leading Companies: 3rd Place Big Player in Vienna |
2016 | Pay Award "Best Online or Mobile Commerce Solution" |
2016 | EGR Italy Award "Payments & Fraud Company of the Year" |
2017 | Austrian Leading Companies: 1st Place Big Player in Vienna |
2017 | Premios eGaming Spain "Best Service Provider" |
2017 | Digital Identity Award “Most Effective Partnership“ |
2018 | Great Place to Work Award: Top 10 "Beste Arbeitgeber Österreichs" bis 250 Mitarbeiter |
2018 | Great Place to Work Award: Regional Award "einer der Besten Wiener Arbeitgeber 2018" |
2018 | Austrian Leading Companies: 2nd Place Big Player in Vienna |
2018 | Great Place to Work Award: 1st Place "Neue Arbeitswelt & Lebensqualität" |
2019 | Austrian Leading Companies: 2nd Place Best International Companies |
2021 | Freundin/kununu: Top 15 “Most family-friendly employer in Austria” |
2021 | Austrian Leading Companies: 2nd Place Best International Companies |
2021 | Hermes Wirtschaftspreis - 1st Place "Service Provider" |