Lock your myPaysafe™
The security of your myPaysafe is very important to us. That’s why we give you the option to lock it at any time if you suspect you’ve become a victim of fraud or that your myPaysafe has been compromised.

Before completing the form, double-check whether any of the following applies to you:
- password changes: you forgot that you changed your password recently;
- automated emails: received unexpected automated emails from our service, such as marketing emails or notifications;
- browser issues: browser auto-filling incorrect saved credentials, causing login problems;
- recurring payments: regularly scheduled payments that you might have forgotten about or not recognized immediately.
Such cases don’t constitute suspicious activity and you don’t need to lock your myPaysafe.
To lock your myPaysafe, carefully fill in the form below by following these steps:
- Enter your email address, first and last name and customer number in the respective fields.
- In the Message field describe your issue in as much detail as possible.
- Click Send after passing the “I’m not a robot” challenge.
Once you submit your request, we’ll block your myPaysafe shortly and you won’t be able to log in or make any payments with it until it’s reactivated.
Keep your data safe
The security of your data is our top priority but there’s a lot you can do as an individual to prevent any fraud attempts. Here are some tips:
- Keep your financial data safe and never share it with third parties.
- Never share your passwords, one-time passcodes, or other credentials.
- Change your credentials regularly.
- Use a unique username/email address and password for each of your accounts across the web.
- Don't click links or attachments in suspicious emails or social media posts.
- Always access websites directly to log in to your accounts.
- Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks when accessing sensitive information.
- Don’t store any personal information, financial details, or passwords on your devices.
- Resist any pressure to act immediately.
Find out more information in our dedicated FAQ or on our security page.
If you notice any suspicious activity or transactions in your myPaysafe, change your password immediately, enable additional authentication methods and request to lock your myPaysafe. If necessary, please also report the incident to your local police.