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What should I do if there has been an unauthorized transaction with my PaysafeCard?

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If you suspect that your PaysafeCard code has been used without your permission, block your PaysafeCard to protect your remaining credit via our lock form. Keep in mind that you can block it only if it hasn’t been used up yet.

Our advice is also to contact your local police authorities. We’ll provide them with any additional information required for an investigation as soon as we receive a request from them.  
To check whether your PaysafeCard code was successfully blocked, simply enter the 16-digit code in the balance check. If it’s locked, you’ll receive an error message explaining that no payments are currently possible with the respective PaysafeCard.

If you wish to receive a refund, contact us via the available channel below. Keep in mind that we’ll require a copy of your bank statement along with a copy of your PaysafeCard. Read the related article below to find out more. 

Note: If the entire value of your PaysafeCard code has already been used up, a refund will not be possible.

None of these apply to you?

If neither of these scenarios apply to you, contact us via the available channel below and send us a clear and readable copy or image of your PaysafeCard code.

Keep your PaysafeCards safe and never share them with unauthorized third parties.

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