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Why did PaysafeCard account top-up fail?

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If you no longer can top up your PaysafeCard account, check your status by navigating to “Account” > “Limits & Status” on web, or to “Profile” > “Account Details” in the PaysafeCard mobile app.

In case your top up limit has been reached, you will be required to upgrade your PaysafeCard account to “Unlimited” status before making any further payments. Detailed instructions on upgrading can be found in the article linked below.

Other reasons for a failed top up:

  • Incorrectly entered 16-digit PIN. Ensure your PIN is full and correct, then retry adding it to your account. If your PIN is unreadable or lost, contact us using the form below.
  • Insufficient balance: Your 16-digit code was either already topped up into a PaysafeCard account account (refer to the in-account transaction history) or already consumed in another payment. Visible by looking up the code in our Balance Check tool.
  • Your prepaid code might be associated with a different country and/or currency than the ones set in your PaysafeCard account. If this is case, contact us using the form below and attach a photo of your 16-digit code.
  • Your PaysafeCard account might be restricted. Check your home screen dashboard for any status messages or instructions.
  • Your spending or top-up limits might've been reached. If that’s the case, you will be required to upgrade your PaysafeCard account to “Unlimited” status from Settings > Limits & Status. Or navigate to Profile > Account Details on the mobile application.
  • Purchases from the PIN Shop or via PaysafeCard direct will also fail if your top-up limit is reached. You can find the 16-digit code you bought in your PaysafeCard account Transaction History and top it up later.

More information about our fees and limits can be found here.

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