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What is the PaysafeCard status?

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There are two statuses for PaysafeCard accounts: Standard and Unlimited. Depending on your account status, you’ll have different transaction limits.

As soon as you register for PaysafeCard, you start out with our Standard status, which has lower limits. Check out the limits for your country by clicking here and selecting your country from the top right corner of the page.

To view the rest of the Standard status limits, visit the Limits & Status menu in your account.

If you wish to upload unlimited PaysafeCard codes to your account, upgrade your status to Unlimited by visiting the “Limits & Status” menu and clicking “Upgrade status”. Check out our dedicated FAQ article below for more information.

As a regulated financial institution, we are required to collect some additional information about you, such as your source of wealth or primary intent of use for your PaysafeCard account. You may be asked to confirm this data right after you’ve started the upgrade process. Please make sure the information you provide is correct and up to date.

See our Privacy Notice for more information on how we process your personal data, as well as how you can exercise your rights in relation to your personal information.

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