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Why does the online shop require me to log in to myPaysafe?

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Some online shops might require you to log in to your myPaysafe upon payments.
If you only see a log-in window, then the merchant does not accept classic payments with a 16-digit code. You need to have a myPaysafe  registration and use your login credentials to pay to this online shop.

To pay at this online shop, follow these steps:

  1. Register for myPaysafe.
  2. In the online shop, select PaysafeCard as the payment method.
  3. Enter your login details and click Pay to confirm the payment. 
  4. If there is not enough balance available, you will need to first top it up by entering a 16-digit PaysafeCard or purchasing an online code (available in some countries).
  5. Your transaction should automatically appear in the online shop within minutes.

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