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How do I get a refund of my 16-digit PaysafeCard code?

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Issuing a refund is easy. Simply open our Refund form and fill in all the requested information. Enter the number of the 16-digit prepaid code, your personal information: name, e-mail, address, and your banking details. Make sure these are filled in correctly.

You will need to attach a copy/copies of the PaysafeCard prepaid code, so be prepared. Ensure that the document is legible and does not exceed 4 MB in size.

How long does it take to receive the money in my bank account?

After we process the refund, it may take from 3 to up to 5 business days for the funds to arrive in your bank.

How much does a refund cost?

A processing fee will be charged and deducted from the refunded amount. To learn more about our fees and limits, visit the dedicated page.

Can I cancel my refund request?

If we have initiated your refund and have sent the money to your bank account, we cannot reverse or cancel the transaction.

Why did my refund fail?

We might be unable to refund your PaysafeCard prepaid code in the following cases:

  • We might not support transfers to your bank. Try with another bank, preferably from the country where the PaysafeCard 16-digit prepaid code was purchased.
  • The name you have provided on the Refund form does not match the name of the bank account holder. Refunds are only allowed to a personal bank account. Refund to a third-party bank account will fail.
  • The bank details you have entered are not correct (IBAN/bank account number, SWIFT code, branch/bank code, etc.) Double-check your bank details.
  • Your bank does not accept payments from PaysafeCard. Contact your bank for more information.

If we are unable to complete your refund, you will be contacted by a member of our Customer Service team and advised how to proceed.

My refund is missing. What can I do?

The bank refund is usually processed within the standard timeframe of 3 – 5 business days. However, on rare occasions, there may be delays, due to unforeseen circumstances. If 5 business days have passed since your withdrawal had been initiated, contact us using the contact form below so we can trace it. You will be required to send a bank statement, showing full bank account details, your name as the bank account holder, the bank account number, and full transaction history for that bank account from the date of the refund.

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