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Why have I not received the PaysafeCard I bought from the PIN Shop yet?

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Online PIN purchases are generally processed instantly, allowing you to see the 16-digit PIN on your screen immediately.

Occasional delays may occur in receiving bank confirmation for successful payment processing or due to temporary connectivity issues. In such cases, it may take up to one full business day to receive the PIN, depending on your payment method. You will be notified via email as soon as your PIN is generated.

To view your online PIN purchases, visit your PaysafeCard transaction history.

If one business day has passed but you still haven’t received the 16-digit PIN, and the money has been deducted from your payment instrument, please provide a screenshot from your mobile banking or a bank statement showing the following details:

  • Your full bank details: name of the account holder and first 6 and last 4 digits of your card number (for card payments) or IBAN/account number and BIC/bank code (for bank account payments)
  • Transaction details: amount, currency, date, and time
  • Recipient bank account details

This information will help us locate the payment and assist you with processing or refunding the transaction. 

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