Woman in a coat walks with a mobile phone in her hand

Mastercard® exchange rate

Check exchange rate

Currency converter

Pay online, in shops and withdraw cash anywhere in the world with paysafecard Mastercard®

FROM (transaction currency)
Enter transaction amount
INTO (your card currency)
Select the date of your transaction:

Your transaction amount is:

In your card currency

Exchange rate on selected date. For past transactions only. If no date is selected, the current date is used.

This is the Mastercard exchange rate from : 1 =

Exchange rate of the European Central Bank (ECB) as of : 1 =

paysafecard surcharge compared with the exchange rate of the European Central Bank (ECB):

Coins falling into a wallet

How do exchange rates work?

An exchange rates indicates how much it costs to exchange one currency for another. The European Central Bank (ECB) publishes exchange rates between currencies based on the daily average of European banks.

When you spend money abroad, be it on holidays or online in a foreign currency, banks sometimes charge a fee.

Our benefits

All banks must display the ECB exchange rate and any additional fees they charge to enable a transaction in a foreign currency. We are always transparent, so that you always know where you stand. Below you will find the benefits and fees of our Mastercard.

paysafecard code
two mastercards floating next to each other

paysafecard Mastercard

Free of charge for transactions in account currency:

  • Paying in shops, restaurants or online

You can find fees here.

Do you have questions?

If you do not find an answer to your question, please contact the paysafecard Service team. 



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