Would you like to sell paysafecard vouchers in your sales outlet?
If you are interested to become an official paysafecard point of sale, please contact either one of our distribution partners, who can help you with the technical requirements, or just contact us directly.
What technology does paysafecard use?
The paysafecard payment application is based on a REST API. REST, Representational State Transfer, is an architectural style of the World Wide Web. REST uses the standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.).
The automated integration tests in the MSC are not working / How should I make the automated integration tests in the MSC?
Before you start with the tests you must implement paysafecard into your test system.
In order to perform the automated tests, you must follow these steps:
1. Start a transaction using the initiate payment call.
2. Make the redirection to the payment panel. You will find the redirection link in the response of the initiate payment call.
3. Do NOT introduce any PIN or take any further action in the payment panel.
4. Introduce the PaymentID (you will find it in the response of the initiate payment call) in MSC and start the test.
If you are following these instructions and the tests are not successful, please contact our technical support stating the paymentID used for the test.
These tests are only necessary if you are integrating paysafecard directly.